
Monday, November 30, 2009

God-centered living

God-centered living

Part of the book of Genesis is the record of God accomplishing His purposes through Abraham. It is not the record of Abraham’s walk with God. Can u see the difference of focus? The focus of the Bible is God. The essence of sin is a shift from a God-centeredness to a self-centeredness. The essence of salvation is a denial of self, not affirming of self. We must come to a denial of self and a return to a God-centeredness with our lives. Then God has us where He can accomplish through us purposes He had before he created the world. Though more could be said, here are some descriptions of the life orientations available to you:
• Life focus on self.
• Proud of self and self’s accomplishments
• Affirming self
• Seeking to be acceptable to the world and its ways
• Looking at circumstances from a human perspective
• Selfish and ordinary living
• Confidence in God
• Dependence on God and his ability and provision
• Life focused on God and His activity
• Humble before God
• Denying self
• Seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
• Seeking God’s perspective in every circumstances
• Holy and godly living
Sounds too ideal to live out? Yes they are, to the point that some believers said ‘only pastors and priests and some extreme religious freaks can do that…not me!’ but THAT is what following Jesus is all about- to make him the centre of our lives, live for him and at the same time glorifying the Father in whatever we do, be it in the office or school.

It is not necessarily that u pretend and subsequently have to appear holy in public just to be recognized as good and faithful believers, no. It’s not about keeping all the laws unbroken and imposed others to exercise their faith on your pace. The Pharisees did that and they failed miserably.

Too often that we hear sermons that focus on ‘my holiness’ instead of ‘God’s holiness’, sermons that uplifted certain finite mortals instead of the infinite God. Sunday sermons that should be about God’s grace has now transformed into a time for judging others and how ‘not-to-be-like-them’ seminar. What a sad scene it is to see Christians setting themselves apart from other ‘immature Christians’ (as they called it) thinking that by doing so, they are pleasing God. It is easy to be proud of ourselves when we are hallucinating in our little comfort zone, but think about this: what is Jesus’ greatest commission? Is it to be complacent about your own ‘holiness’ and setting yourselves apart from others OR to go out and deny yourselves, working together with others against all odds for the sake of the Gospel?

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