
Thursday, August 23, 2018

A Good Question form the Net

There has been a very good question in a form of a picture being circulated in FB or other social media. While it tries to sound naughty and cheeky, it does however posed a very smart question that sounded like this,” according to Genesis, we all come from Adam and Eve who had THREE SONS... think about it, take all the time you need.” 

Allow me to dissect the question into a simpler question: If Adam and Eve only had males children, how did the multiply or populate the world?

At the first glance it does look like a slap to the Bible while the person who posted it smirked in satisfaction thinking he/she is a genius who had successfully ripped apart the whole foundation of human creation and common doctrinal belief as well as the inerrancy of the Scripture (clap hands). Flash News: You’re wrong.

If only the person actually read an actual Bible, particularly from Genesis 5:4 where is says 
”After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and DAUGHTERS” 
then the person should know that they did multiply naturally (due to the existence of other females), in which of course, will lead to an even naughty topic: INCEST. 

Yes, there was NO one else around at the very beginning of life on earth. WHERE DID CAIN GET HIS WIFE? This is a popular question used by those who try to proof that the Bible is unreliable in what it claims.

 When we read Genesis 5:4, We know that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters in addition to Abel, Cain, and Seth and if there was only one original family, then the first marriages had to be between brothers and sisters a.k.a INCEST.  

Was incest ever a ‘good thing’? Certainly no.  It is important to distinguish between incestuous relationships prior to God commanding against them (Leviticus 18:6–18) and incest that occurred after God’s commands had been revealed. Until God commanded against it, it was not incest. It was just marrying a close relative. It is undeniable that God allowed “incest” in the early centuries of humanity.

 Since Adam and Eve were the only two human beings on earth, their sons and daughters had no choice but to marry and reproduce with their siblings and close relatives. The second generation had to marry their cousins, just as after the flood the grandchildren of Noah had to intermarry amongst their cousins. One reason that incest is so strongly discouraged in the world today is the understanding that reproduction between closely related individuals has a much higher risk of causing genetic abnormalities. In the early days of humanity, though, this was not a risk due to the fact that the human genetic code was relatively free of defects (excerpted from This brought us closely into the question of Ethics.

 Are we able to accept the fact that the first human beings had no choice but to marry their own siblings, and later cousins? If we look at the reason for God to create humans from its very beginning (to worship, to live), apparently that’s what the Lord did when He created only Adam and Eve but after THE FALL, human beings are subjected to the world’s natural order. It is later, under Mosaic Law that incest is strongly forbidden and no longer a reason to populate the world. 

In this issue, again another issue surfaces to consider: Though Ethically challenged, the need for intermarriage of the children of the same pair is critically needed at the beginning of human population and that is before the Law came about. 

Conclusion: Adam and Eve do have daughters. Marriage in this sense (only in this sense) is considered as between a close relative and later on prohibited. Incest will always be a sin, sexual immorality and ethical issue.  Afterall, they were in the world because they had SINNED.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Those Who Mourn

Image result for matthew 5:4

God wants us to experience His joy (John 15:11). Yet we cannot experience His joy until we have mourned over our sin. If we do not grieve over the weight of our sin, we have no concept of sin's devastating power. If we treat our sins lightly, we demonstrate that we have no sense of the enormity of our offense against Almighty God. Our sin caused the death of God's Son. It caused us to fall short of what God intends (Romans 3:23). It brings pain and sorrow to others, as well as to ourselves.

The Bible says that those who grieve over their sin will draw near to God (James 4:8-10). Those who mourn and weep over their sin are in a position to repent (Luke 4:18-19). Rodriguez Unak Anak Charles Blogspot Copyright 2018. There cannot be repentance without the realization of the gravity of sin. Regret for sin's consequences is not the same as sorrow for sinning against Holy God. Confession of sin is not necessarily and indication of repentance. Repentance comes only when we acknowledge that our transgression has come from a heart that is far from God, and we are brokenhearted over our grievous offence against holy God.

Jesus says that those who are heartbroken over their sin will find comfort. They will experience new dimensions of God's love and forgiveness. His infinite grace is sufficient for the most terrible sin. Rodriguez Unak Anak Charles Blogspot Copyright 2018. Do not try and skip the grieving process of repentance in order to move on to experience joy. God will not leave you to weep over your sin but will forgive you, comfort you and fill you with His Joy.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

::Missed Opportunities::

Missing a good opportunity is not really a big deal in life. It may even lead us to another direction. This helps us to reflect on the things that we want versus the things that we really need the most.
I thank God for all the missed opportunities throughout my entire 33 years of life on earth for they made me more aware of my next moves and to discern better.
I thank God for the missed opportunities such as the recent 'crazy sales' at Giant because i might end up buying and spending on things that i don't need at all !
Thank God for all the missed opportunities!