
Friday, August 29, 2008

GoOd ChArAcTeR????

People say that Christians should have "good character." What does that mean?

Deuteronomy 7:6 "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession."

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

God made us in His own image. We are to reflect His nature, including his character traits. We have the potential to be loving, truthful, patient, forgiving, kind and faithful. Being made in God's image does not mean you are a god, or even godly, but that you have many of the characteristics of God himself. God wants us to use them as He uses them- to honour and benefit others.

Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

It's not how we pretend to behave in front of others, it's exactly the opposite- it's how we present ourself when others are not looking, coz that's when you have the time spent with God in quietness and that only God sees you my dear...

cheers buddy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the world doesn't revolve around you or me

this is it.

that feeling again.

when things or people are incompatible to my expectations.

why do some people want to make simple things complicated?

and in the end caught dangling in the tangled situation.

the things that we should really look at is often overlooked.

and when i tried to point to that direction, my little finger was pushed aside.

i think it is time for some people to learn to appreciate other people around them, go to the next level of Christianity.

because your attitude can be seen by the way you treat the most unimportant person in your life.

i'm serious.

and the funny thing is, when we think that we are right, it is highly possible that we are wrong.

it is like a troop of army walking straight into an ambush in the jungle- they thought it was too quiet so they went ahead, not realising that they were being watched from among the trees.

sometimes it is good to be kind to others, it's a courtesy you see.

and this is it.

that feeling again.

perhaps i should just kept silent...or shouldn't i...???

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i really miss HER!

she's my u miss yours? many a times that we think that our mothers are old fashioned, unsporting and unsupporting, nagging too much...wierd hairstyles (haha!)...yet if we realise the pain she took in bringing us into this world and the 9 months that she literally carried us, no wonder nowadays husbands are encouraged to be with thier wives in the ward and around during the labouring process. i tell u now, NOT A SINGLE CHILD in the world will ever forget his or her mother if they watch the delivering process. it was a time of life and death. it makes us appreciate mothers and women more (though it's not recommended for the faint-hearted). anyway, here's a reflective quotes that you and i can reflect on..

4 YEAR OLD: My Mommy can do anything!

8 YEAR OLD: My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!

12 YEAR OLD: My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.

14 YEAR OLD: Naturally, my Mother doesn't know that, either.

16 YEAR OLD: Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.

18 YEAR OLD: That old woman? She's way out of date!

25 YEAR OLD: Well, she might know a little bit about it.

35 YEAR OLD: Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.

45 YEAR OLD: Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?

65 YEAR OLD: Wish I could talk it over with Mom.....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

no internet connection in my dorm...

here i am, surfing in the library at 9.12 PM.
i just cant access to the internet in my dorm, on my 4th floor to be accurate. i just dont know why. the signal strength says it's 'very good' but i cant even open a simple Yahoo website.
i am not the only one who suffers on the level.
aston can't download any movies for the entire 2 days.
joshua can't watch his Korean channel thingy (he's a Korean).
i can't blog and upload new videos into youtube.
haris can't bid in
i bet uncle david can't review his shares, stock exchange and investment online too.
everybody 'suffers' in a different way but the main cause is ONE- the internet connection problem.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


This is my third year as a seminarian and quite the opposite to the popular belief that we are immuned to depressions (assumption that we are the 'nearest' people to God), we are the ones who gets attacked the most!

Our status makes us the main target and victim for spiritual attacks. This is a scary reality that we all need to be aware of.

As for me, i have tonnes and piles of struggles eversince I decided to work in God's vineyard. Family problems will always come first as the most effective 'tool' to discourage me. I know the creature who always does that. He is ONLY a mere created creature BUT the moment anybody fell down on his or her knees to pray, the devil will flee in disgust! (Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you- James 4:7)

In any physical healing, the healing process can only be experienced if there is any injuries happen to the body. the Good news is, healing always takes place when there is an injury, in most cases and unless u r not a diabetic person.

In a spiritual and emotional healing, the healing process and result may not be visible and obvious because the 'injury' itself is not visible.

Hence, no one can genuinely or precisely say that he or she 'understands and hurts together with a sad person'. they lied. Only God understands. We are only His agents of healing, we don't heal only God does.

Back to the healing mechanism (healing always take place when there is an injury), spiritual healing also works in the same manner.

U won't experience healing if u are not injured, that is an easy fact.

U won't be healed unless u are injured...the same as above!

Therefore, spiritual 'injury' is curable but by the grace and mercy of God.

Jesus is our wounded healer.

The salvation through him, the promise he made and the hope he gave, is our main rope for us ti cling on and climb up the hills of brokenness.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."- Matthew 11:28

May God be with you today and always, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.











Monday, August 18, 2008

The Lord has set me free..!!! Psalm 118:5

i'm a free man now.
no more unnecessary demands.
no more 'where r u??!' yellings when i was out for dinner.
and most importantly, no more tired and lame pretences...
i love Jesus, and if u have a problem with that, that is your problem and not mine.

if only u told me that u were actually not willing to thread the road i am threading now, i wouldn't have wasted my time fulfilling your demands.

i forgive u.

anyway, thanks for opening my eyes to see and find other genuine lifetime companions out there- a TRUE soulmate!

PS 118:5 "In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free."
