
Monday, February 11, 2008

If you always ended up winning all the arguments, you will end up losing all of your friends

“Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels”. 2 Timothy 2:23.

“If you always ended up winning all the arguments, you will end up losing all of your friends.”

I have seen this happen in front of my eyes. It happened before and it can happen again. You may wonder why some of your friends suddenly shy away from you and treated you cold, think again.

Some people, I don’t know why, are just too shallow to believe that they had achieved some kind of a ‘victory of some sorts’ when they had the last word in an argument. It gave them this sense of a weird satisfaction and grinned so strangely that I wish I had a camera to capture that moment!

For EXAMPLE, there is this guy who always had a VERY wrong concept of everything under the sun (misconception problem) and yet believes that he is always correct and defended himself blindly. Little did he know that people were laughing behind him when he took that empty trophy on the podium!

Anyway, that was just AN EXAMPLE to show funny a person can be, along with his disability to see his inadequate knowledge and yet still wants to be seen as a winner. Get a life, mate!
(That is why I deleted some of my friends in my Friendster, not because I hate them, but because I don’t want to argue furthermore with them and engage in ‘foolish and stupid arguments’ because I know they produce quarrels. No offence dude!)

I was a debater in my campus last time. I know how to distinguish between an OPEN TALK and an argument. I know where to stop once I notice where the argument is leading to.

I represented UiTM Sarawak in 2004/2005 for the inter University level but that is for worldly arguments and I never told my friends here in STM because I don’t want them to see me as a debater, otherwise they will put themselves into a defensive mode every time we converse.
To hide my seriousness in argument, I always joke and let myself be seen as a prankster.

And my friends, that is EXACTLY why most of you in the Homiletics class last year was stunned to see how I presented my case and delivered my sermon in the class. Some were greatly taken aback. Some were stunned and commented ‘another side of Rod’ and ‘that is not Rod that we knew’ etc. Well friends, I don’t have to argue in the public places like a pure Pharisee to prove myself smart.

There will always be a place where we can ‘tunjuk belang’ my friends. God will surely prepare a fine one day for you to really speak up if you are ready and for a good cause.

Just remember what Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:23

“Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels”

‘Silence’ doesn’t mean ‘defeat’. A good hunter is the one who sharpened his knife in silence.


1 comment:

Hungry Iban said...

balat mua apai tuai urang nya..