
Friday, February 8, 2008


My dad once told my sister (he didn't directly tell me coz he's afraid of me!) that i dont at all look or have the outer appearance of a priest!

hahahahaaaa.....funny...that doesnt mean im not a priest my dear daddy...!

perhaps im still young, but not too young to be in this 'business', to the extent that my father or any sceptical believers out there fail to see how God can use even the weakest link to do His will and His plan. im talking bout myself here, duh!

we look at Timothy (in the Bible, please) and how Paul advised him in 1 Tim 4:12 "Let no man despise your youth; but be an example to those who believe, in word, in your way of life, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.

The remainder of the chapter is personal. Timothy was much younger than Paul, much younger than most of the presbyters, but he must have been fully thirty-five years old. He was converted about A.D. 46 and was then a young man, quite young, according to the ideas of that age, to be over presbyters. In A.D. 51, Paul had taken him away from home (Ac 16:1-3). I suppose that he must have been twenty at that time. If so, he was from thirty-five to thirty-eight years old at this time.

so u see, age made people misjudged especially towards the younger lad.

my dad also believed that not only I'm too young too become a priest, i also dont dress up like one! OMG...

i spiked my hair.

wear jeans.

do weightlifthings.

play electric guitars.

roll drums (and a lecturer complained bout me!)

listen to rock music and Emo bands.


jamming with church members.

...and other normal stuff WITHIN the norms and limits...

all these 'huha' things dont disqualify me as a priest. here's why:

i believe in Paul's method of evangelizing which is

"To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law." (1 Cor 9:20)

so as to comfortly approach and mix and mingle and fellowship with my fellow church members and congregations, i live a normal-priestly life like them. dont get me wrong, it doesnt mean i compromised (a BIG mistake that some senior priests did) in order to be looked up at. it is a statement that i hold, together with my fellow contemporary pastors here.

let's look at john 1:46 "Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?" Nathanael asked. "Come and see," said Philip."

The response of Nathanael indicates that Nazareth did not enjoy a good reputation in Galilee. Perhaps Nathanael, who came from Bethsaida, looked down on Nazareth as a rival village, either poorer or morally worse than his own.

doesnt that sound like my dad or any other scecptics out there?

it's normal for a man to compare and tend to overlook another person's good qualities. i'm not blaming anybody here. just look at how ridiculously the website of my hometown church was done. my sis n i had to create another one to cover up the terrible job. sorry to say that. i believe we all must do our best for The Lord. u see, it's normal even for me to justify people's work. it came out naturally.

Little did Nathanael know what he said about Jesus until he knows who Jesus really is and how Jesus can turn the world around and around...

so, do i have to behave (dress up, talk like, look like) a typical priest out there in order to qualify myself to be addressed as a priest? my answer remains 'NO' as always.

i just cant sit down n keep quiet, can i? ahahahahahaaaa...

To God Be The Glory!

1 comment:

Hungry Iban said...

Oii..cannot use a 'bigger'fonts kah?