
Sunday, October 7, 2007

that's it lah!

"this is the day that The Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!"- psalm 118:24

yesterday was my last day in my practical church in Emmanuel Church, Cheras...cheers!
(get it?? "cheras, cheers...!"??)

anyway, im glad not because it was my last day there and serving without a single cent BUT because i have learnt so much despite of all the suffering in terms of finance and some fellow members (apparently, i learnt a lot from these people). if it can';t kill u, it will make u strong.

and i will leave GEPC too, my church. also in cheras.

there is a big difference and yet there is also a fine line between 'my practical church' and 'my church'.

and i guess The Lord has prepared me for celebacy too.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

wao, rod, u actually didn't get pay a single cent in your pratical.....impress.