
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

re: silly

i know it is good to trigger a sensational issue by posting a 'controversial' bulletin (that will provoke people to respond to u) BUT please make sure that u stay RIGHT ON THE FINE LINE OF BEING RUDE and BEING CREATIVE YET INFORMATIVE. there is a big difference when it comes to writing this kind of 'sensational articles'.as writers, we DO NOT simply pick a subject and start shooting blindly and point blankly but WE STUDY the topic very well and produce a BRAINSTORMING article that sounds 'NAUGHTY and yet at the same time HELPS TO BRING OUT THE COMMON SENSE that might probably had been overshadowed by one's unconcious action'.
i know i had been producing radical articles BUT never have i came close to letting myself to be OUTLOOSE.
read, compare and mantain the essence of this kind of 'controversial and yet informative' kind of writing.
it is an ART.
there IS a difference.
dig out that distinctiveness and be a 'more decent radical writer'.

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Hungry Iban said...

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