
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapel St. Andrew's Sunga (Sri Aman)

Last Sunday i had the opportunity to serve Holy Communion at this small Chapel (24.02.2013) for the 1st time, about 1 hour drive from Bandar Sri Aman. Brought my (friend's) guitar along and so we had some praise songs before and after the service which was led by me. Here are some of the photos taken. I am very sorry that i didnt have the chance to snap the picture of the whole congregation that packed the chapel that morning.

That's me entering the Chapel.

front view.

With the Layreaders after the service.

'The road not taken'

There are other parts of the road which is worse than this, but i didnt take the photo.

i lost a rim cap here

I need a 4wd for this next time

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