Good day, mate!
When looking for a partner (LIFE PARTNER), it is essential to see beyond looks and physical appearance. I know it's rare to get a guy who fulfills all the above requirements but hey, keep praying for one and DO NOT settle for a jerk. I'm being honest/transparent/frank here.
You see, don't ever feel sad or bad when you are still single (for a long length of period of time) and your other friends are hanging out every night with the wrong choice and waste their lives away,NO. Many people fall for this trap of feeling desperate and ended up dating a Frankenstein. God always has something or SOMEONE better for us. Seriously, we don't wanna spend the rest of our future with someone who we thought could have been another person:
"a woman married a man, hoping that he would change; BUT he never changed.....
......a man married a woman hoping that she would not changed, BUT she changed....."
"a woman married a man, hoping that he would change; BUT he never changed.....
......a man married a woman hoping that she would not changed, BUT she changed....."
We all hope for the best, we always seek to acquire something better or achieve a greater result but when it comes to relationship we prefer 'changes to stay unchanged'. How is that possible when our human mind and body changes as the time flies?
Would you rather be with that same person whom you said 'i do' to or with the current person who has nothing to convince even your parents about your future? Be sensible, be realistic, be calculative, be SERIOUS when choosing a lifetime partner. That's all i can say for now.
See u guys in the next post~!
its true indeed. God has His own right time. I've been living until 28 yrs now as a single and i dun even ever get the desperate feeling/ jealous feeling to be in a relationship. What's the point u married this year and the next year u have to sign a divorce agreement?? .. i've seeing this happened.
yes, indeed u are right cikgu Balenty. enda salah nganti lama2, asal tetemu ke siko t cukup manah tang giga siko ti rindu ke Jesus mega.
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