
Saturday, November 21, 2009

9 days before i fully serve in a church...

it has been a while (yeah, a WHILE!) since i last blogging. i wonder if u r the 1st person to read this blog or the ONLY person to read it, that's why i'm not fond of blogging- not many ppl read my blog yet thousands have heard me preaching on the pulpit. Yes, im a practical guy, unlike many who 'bravely write yet do nothing about it.'

after graduated with a bachelor degree in theology from stm (5 days before my father's demise), i had a wonderful 38 days of full holiday given by my dear Datuk Bishop Bolly. i really appreciate and made full use of the days to help rebuilding my family and also to move in things into our new house. it was then i got a letter from bishop that i'll be sent to St. Luke's Church in Sri Aman to serve there until who knows when.

so now, locking myself in my room (can't really accuse me of being anti social coz it's raining out there, cats and dogs and some zebras), im figuring out what to do in the church that i've been assigned to. i cant be as ROCK as before, for people expected me to be a typical Anglican priest in the diocese of Kuching...anyway, i will dig deep and hard to find the balance. i know this because God is with me.

that's all for now folks!
-rock rod rodriguez-

1 comment:

Hungry Iban said...

rajin2lah nuan update blog nuan, most of my readers macha the blogs that I follow. keep up the good works.