May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be acceptable in Your sight, o Lord my Rock and my Redeemer. amen. (psalm 19:14)
it's been almost exactly 2 months since i posted my last post and i blamed it all on my tight schedule. classes, weekend practical, life demands, laundry, slow internet connection...!
just want to share on the praise n worship (my passion) or worshipping God in music and songs this morning.
i led the worship, with my cassock on and my new red electric guitar.
had the practice the day before, frantically and pathetically, coz i was soOOooo exhasuted. the practice was at 9pm on Saturday.
i was a little worried because we didn't have a postive practice on that saturday night and things seems to be in chaos. first my OHP transparencies were too small, thanks to the wrong font that i used. Rebecca managed to fix that problem 4 me, thanks to that bright little girl.
then some chords that we agreed to used didnt seem to agree with us. funny things happens to good people i tell u.
so we ended up blurred and not knowing what to do. the next day is the 'youth and young adult sunday' and we actually changed some songs in the 11th hour.
the songs were:
1. My best friend
2. My life is in You Lord
3. i could sing of Your Love forever
4. How great is our God
and on that Sunday we worshipped the Lord perfectly well.
i discovered one thing for sure.
it is not the sonfg that we plan to use, it is not the amount of heavy practice that we have, nor it is the many complicated chords that we tried to impress the people with...
but it is the heart of a worshipper that willingly wanted to be used, as a vessel, that will bring the people into a great time of praise and worship that our praises will be pleasing, holy, living and acceptable unto Him.
don't forget the prayer, for those who are assigned to lead in praise and worship, don't choose your favourite song but choose the songs that is inline and synchronized with the sermon. praise n worship in itself is actually to prepare our hearts to receive the words as well as to praise the Creator. pray for confidence and a good voice, seriuosly.
by the way, does anybody want to know my i was exausted (and couldn't blog as often as before)? ok then, here's why.
i'm getting old. next year i'll be 25 and i still doing my studies. at the same time, practical. not to mention the piling assignments.
this is my schedule for saturday:
reached Kajang at 3.30pm and had to walk from KTM station to the church for <20 align="justify">
4pm is the Youth and Young Adult activity.
i observe/handle the youths (in the hall) while the young adults were left all by themselves in the church because both group started thier activities at the same time, which is 4 o'clock.
normally, STM will send two students to this church (moses and eisu das in 2006, aston and gerrad in 2007) but this year i was sent alone. so it is impossible for me to split myself for both occasions. i made myself available for both and ran to hall and church evry 20 minutes just to know the progress.
at 5pm is the practice for KBM's praise and worship which i have to involve either to back up singing, drums, guitar or keyboard. however, i was assigned by Rev. Samuel D. John (now in IJN, please pray for him) to handle the confirmation class during his absence for these 2 months. and so, i didnt join the practice as usual but i'll just join the team on Sunday itself.
at 6pm is the 'servers and acolyte's fellowship' where they discuss on arising issues and also, to assign some members to serve on Sunday. i have to be there to observe and monitor.
then, i have to monitor, join and observe the KBI (english service) choir practice at 8.15pm.
bear in mind that i won't have dinner until 11pm. oh ya, that will also include my lunch!
straight after the choir practice, i will join (yes, observe and monitor as well) the praise and worship practice for KBI. usually they will ask me to back up, singing etc. so i stayed there till 10 pm or more.
yes, i am exausted and will always be exausted every week.
the next day, sunday, i will attend two different services (kbi followed by kbm) from 7.30am-3pm and reached STM in seremban at least at 5pm.
guys, i love this mini-suffering for i know Jesus did far more than what i am experiencing right now, and whoever try to save his life will lose it...whoever lose his life for Jesus will find it. right now, i found what i am created for though many people with little prejudism in their mini brain find it hard to see the servanthood in me (sorry s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the gang). well, my reputation will speak for this servant. believe me when i say these things. believe me.
(MT 10:39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for MY sake will find it.)
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