Is my church growing? Physically, it is self-evident. But bear in mind that church is also the place for corporate spiritual growth. Some clear evident for spiritual growths are:
1) the congregation thirst for the Word of God;
2) the awareness of the importance of personal prayer, instead of depending on the clergies. The clergies are there to pastor and guide. A shepherd never feed his sheep with a spoon full of grass; instead he LEAD them to a field and monitor.
There are many more signs of church growth, but these two are in need of serious attention at the moment as I personally felt that ‘we have not yet switched on the right switch to intimacy with God’.
Let’s go to basic: We laughed at the Sunday School children, assuming that they looked FUNNY and cute when they sing and pray but little do we realize that we are no better than them; we are not even close to be more ‘matured’ than the kids if we don’t grow spiritually. Let’s be frank; we feel as if we ‘know God more than the kids just because we are OLDER.’ We laughed when the kids said ‘dairy’ instead of ‘daily bread’ in the Lord’s Prayer. But do we pray like the kids, who of no great knowledge of the world around them, pray for ‘just enough for the day’?
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)
Do we feel the growth in our church? The disciples rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus (verse 13) for they thought that it is ‘unnecessary’ and that Jesus might be disturbed. But hey, Jesus WANTED the kids to be brought to him and said ‘the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ The children, obviously not fully-grown adults, were the ones that God wants to have in His kingdom. They are in the process of GROWING. Think about that. I’ll leave that all for you to ponder. I have to go out for supper. Catch up with you guys later….!
Lastly, don’t stop growing even when you get out of shape! (“,)…